The following photos were shot in the workshop to show the illusion in various stages.
WARNING!!! Graphic photos! View with discretion!!
I have changed certain things from the original Abbott's design, most notably the addition of the table. This makes it possible to have a very thin tray. Although not illustrated in any of these photos, the tray can move on the table top. I believe this further isolates it from the table, and hopefully this augments the illusion and the impossibility for the arm to be concealed anywhere.
The color of the table (bright red) would not necessarily be my first choice, but the initial application in mind for this fits a particular color scheme that will be used. The chair shown was only used because it was convenient at the time. A different one will be used in the show. The legs on the table are actually too thin and unstable, and will eventually be replaced. But for now, they were fast and inexpensive... necessary at this juncture.
A modified view...
That's me in position. I look so excited, don't I? The shackles are hinged, and fasten with barrel bolts.
Next, the fake arm section in position, ready for the cutting. Slight discrepancy in the hand position, but not bad. Best way to compensate is to mimic the hand position when the arm is actually on top of the table, as I did in the previous photo.
The machete cutting through near the elbow. Quite disarming, I'd say!
A nice-sized arm roast! I'm obviously shocked that it cost me an arm and a leg... well, an arm anyway!
The magical doofus posing with his severed body part!